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I saw Leo one week before he died. We were in Chicago, celebrating St Paddy's Day together with our friends. Fantastic craic, as always. We were giving Leo lots of 'stick' for constantly calling his kids to check in and say 'hello.' He deflected our jibes by being self-deprecating and hysterically funny.

Days later, he was gone.

As I said at his funeral, I felt sorry for all of us: the shocked and grieving family, friends and co-workers in the church that day. But I said I felt even more sorrow for the people who'd never get the chance to meet him. And I still believe that. Some people simply enrich others, and no one did this, in my experience, better than Leo.

I think of him today and every day. A brilliant life cut short, it's still a shock that he's not here, gushing with life - whether being an arse or a genius and, effortlessly, making everyone, well, better.

Love u Leo,

Added: March 24, 2016
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Leo you left us 12 years ago today. I wanted to share a memory which I wrote in a notebook 3 months after your death about the last time I saw you.

24 June '04
Another magic moment from that trip in October 2003 - never realised how precious those 2 or 3 days would be for the rest of my life - after watching you coach Henry's soccer team, I drove home with you and Henry in the car - you were bubbling over with pride and praise for Henry's performance. You were telling him how well he played and he was so happy - it was such a magic father-son moment and I got to witness it - I can't imagine how he misses you

I love you Leo


Added: March 24, 2016
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Happy Birthday to my dear friend. Nick put a great picture up of you today, improved my day no end......

Added: December 8, 2015
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Happy Birthday Leo

Added: December 8, 2015
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Happy Birthday, old friend. Still miss you.

Added: December 8, 2015
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Leo, I think often about you and how much fun you were to be around, always. Miss you!

Added: April 24, 2015
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I heard about this site a while back and it is heart warming to see such a lovely dedication to Leo. I haven't seen Leo for many years, a chance encounter following his time at McGill. I have many fond memories of Leo from SRB..

Added: April 8, 2015
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11 years ago to the day and I miss you more than ever Daddy. Wish I had some more memories of you to smile/cry about. Love you so much

Added: March 24, 2015
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11 years ago today, I got that early morning phone call that meant that I would never see you again, and "never" is such a brutal, harsh thing, but that's what it is. Anyway, I do remember what life was like when you were here, and it warms my heart to think about those times. I took Henry back to England last summer to see your friends and family, and I know that's something you would've wanted him to do.

Added: March 24, 2015
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Thinking of you.

Added: March 24, 2015
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